Over the past few months, there has been this song that I keep hearing. The first time I heard it, I thought that it was an interesting mix between a spoken word and song. I enjoyed the rhythm of the song; it just made me want to sway to it while listening and working. However, the more that I heard the song, I began to listen to the lyrics. They simply just break my heart...specifically this part:
I don't have to meet your mother
We don't have to cross that line
I don't wanna steal your covers
I just wanna take your time
I don't wanna go home with you
I just wanna be alone with you
I don't wanna steal your freedom
I don't wanna change your mind
I don't have to make you love me
I just wanna take your time
We don't have to cross that line
I don't wanna steal your covers
I just wanna take your time
I don't wanna go home with you
I just wanna be alone with you
I don't wanna steal your freedom
I don't wanna change your mind
I don't have to make you love me
I just wanna take your time
Everyone seems to love this song and many don't see any problem with the song, it's lyrics, or the statement that it makes about relationships today. So maybe it is just me and I have misinterpreted the lyrics, and if that is the case, feel free to stop reading this now. But maybe, just maybe, I am on to something here. Take a moment, hear me out, and then decide for yourself.
We are not guaranteed the amount of time we have on this planet, as such I believe that we need to value our time. In relationships, there seems to be this idea that the best thing is just to have someone there when you need them and then move on. This kind of "convenient" relationship is easy to maintain because it isn't a relationship it is a series of meet-ups with nothing substantial. The end result is that one party eventually feels more and ends up lost while the other just moves onto another person to do the same thing with. This is the type of relationship that many people have settled for where it is about getting attention, having someone to go out with, and having someone when you need them so that you are not lonely. This type of relationship is not worth the value of your time.
You are priceless and as such, your time is priceless. So while there is no problem in going out and having fun with your friends, this take your time type of relationship is the death of romance, substantial relationships, and commitment. I am not saying that you need to know whether or not you could spend your life with someone moments after meeting them, but I am saying that the person you deserve doesn't want to simply take up your time.
The right relationship will be able adding value to your time, just as you will add value to their time. It will be about getting to know everything about you and meeting everyone in your life that is important to you. It's not an "I'll just take whatever I can get" process. Rather, it is about connecting with that person that seeks to let you know just how valuable your time is and pursues everything about you.
Again, this might not jive with everyone, but for me it speaks to the heart of relationships. The viewpoint of the world on relationships is very jaded and very skewed. For me, I don't want anymore of that. I want real. I want depth. I want value. I want intentional time with purpose. I don't want to waste my time.
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