Trust seems to be a common issue in society today. Perhaps it is due to the fast pace with which we live our lives, moving from one place to the next without taking time to breathe, let alone enjoy the moment. In the world of social media where we are constantly surrounded with other people's highlight reels of their lives while at the same time being critically aware of our background story, it can be difficult to know who people really are. Then, if you through past difficulties, circumstances, or wounds, trust can seem like an impossible trait to possess and believe of others.
Trust it crucial to living life. We have to trust those that we do life with, whether family, friends, significant others, or new acquantainces. We have to trust even further beyond that to the plan and will of God. The trust we have in God goes beyond our circumstances, feelings, doubts, plans, and fears. God is unchanging and timeless. He has a hope for our future that is good, although it will not always be easy or fun, it will be good.
Trust is not just something we can say we possess. Rather, trust is a living and active thing that we must choose over and over again. We cannot live fully or openly without trusting. Yes, when we trust we open ourselves up to the chance of being wounded, but we also open ourselves to the opportunity to be encouraged, loved, and changed along this journey called life.
It is amazing to think of the simultaneous depth and lack of depth of trust we posess as humans. We fail to trust people because of our pasts or fear for our futures or the what if's of tomorrow. Yet, when we take a step forward, we trust that our feet will hold our weight. We trust that the ground will still be there to meet our feet. We trust that the earth's gravity is going to continue to hold us down. We trust in these great big ways, and yet we struggle to trust in the people around us and in the plans our Heavenly Father has for us because of who we once were or the things we once did.
Today, make the choice to trust. Trust God with your life, your plans, your yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows. Trust the people around you, love them, and let them in. Just choose to trust; it may not always be easy, but it will always be better.
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